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Nirjala Ekadashi 2024: Significance, Rituals, and Puja Vidhi



Nirjala Ekadashi 2024: Significance, Rituals, And Puja Vidhi

Nirjala Ekadashi, the most significant Ekadashi observed every year in the Jyeshtha month, is considered highly auspicious for devotees of Bhagwan Vishnu and Ma Lakshmi. The ritualistic fasting and worship of Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi are performed on this day. This year, Nirjala Ekadashi falls on June 18th.

According to the Hindu calendar, the auspicious period of Jyeshtha month’s Shukla Paksha Ekadashi began on June 17th, 04:43 AM, and will conclude on June 18th, 06:24 AM.

Nirjala Ekadashi Puja Vidhi: Devotees offer various bhog items like bananas, Panchamrit, sweets, etc., to Lord Vishnu. It is believed that offering these items brings relief from financial troubles. Tulsi leaves are often included in the bhog.

Bhog Mantra: Devotees chant specific mantras while offering the bhog to Lord Vishnu seeking His blessings.

Vishnu Gayatri Mantra: The Vishnu Gayatri Mantra is recited to invoke the blessings of Lord Vishnu.

Nirjala Ekadashi Aarti: Devotees sing the aarti, praising Goddess Ekadashi for the blissful and auspicious day. The aarti is chanted with bhakti and fervor.

Observing Nirjala Ekadashi by fasting and performing the prescribed rituals is believed to bring happiness and fulfillment to life.

Rachel Adams

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