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Agatha All Along Finale Lacks Post-Credits Scene, Breaking MCU Trend



Agatha All Along Finale Scene

The highly anticipated finale of Marvel‘s series ‘Agatha All Along‘ has concluded, and contrary to the usual Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) tradition, it does not include a post-credits scene. This departure from the norm has surprised many fans who were expecting some form of teaser or hint at future storylines.

Unlike many other MCU shows and movies, the final episodes of ‘Agatha All Along’ wrap up without any additional scenes after the credits roll. This decision marks a significant deviation from the typical MCU practice of using post-credits scenes to set up future plot points or introduce new characters.

The absence of a post-credits scene has sparked discussion among fans, who are now left to speculate about the future of the characters and any potential sequels or spin-offs. Despite this, the finale has still garnered significant attention and analysis, with many dissecting the ending and its implications for the broader MCU.

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