On August 29, 2024, a new biopic titled ‘Reagan‘ was released, focusing on the life of the 40th President of the United States. The film, directed...
Today marks the release of the highly anticipated bonus episode of ‘Mirzapur 3‘. Since the debut of the first season, the series has garnered a substantial...
The reviews for the biopic titled ‘Maria‘ are in, displaying a diverse range of opinions from critics. Starring Angelina Jolie as the famed opera singer Maria...
More FM is pleased to announce the return of Bryan Adams with his highly anticipated So Happy It Hurts Tour, set to take place in New...
Universal Pictures has officially announced the title of the seventh installment in the Jurassic franchise, titled ‘Jurassic World: Rebirth’. This film marks the first appearance of...
Stevie Wonder, an iconic figure in the world of music, has gained global admiration for his talent and contributions that span over seven decades. As a...
Winona Ryder, renowned for her extensive work in film, has recently voiced her concerns about the younger generation of actors and their apparent disinterest in the...
Oasis has officially announced the ticket prices for their upcoming reunion tour, causing a buzz among fans following the addition of three more dates in Manchester,...
The highly anticipated web series ‘IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack’, directed by Anubhav Sinha, has been released on Netflix as of August 29, 2024. This series...
The new anime series Terminator Zero, streaming on Netflix, marks a significant entry in the Terminator franchise, following a history of sequels that aimed to replicate...