The heartbreaking death of Matthew Perry, the beloved star of ‘Friends’, has unveiled a troubling series of events leading up to his overdose. The details coming...
LeAnn Rimes, the well-known singer and songwriter, was recently left feeling a bit disappointed during the blind auditions of the singing competition The Voice. The 41-year-old...
Big news for former Miss South Africa, Tamaryn Green Nxumalo! She just shared two exciting milestones: her 30th birthday and the announcement of her first pregnancy....
New Year’s celebrations are looking pretty exciting with the upcoming Beyond The Valley music festival! Taking place in the stunning Victorian countryside, this festival promises five...
The much-talked-about series, ‘The Acolyte‘, has been officially canceled after just one season on Disney+. This show, which took a look at the rise of the...
Phil Donahue, the beloved host who revolutionized daytime television, has passed away at the age of 88. His family shared the sad news saying he died...
It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of Randy Snow‘s passing at age 61. He died of natural causes, leaving behind a legacy...
American comedian Eric Andre recently shared his experience of being racially profiled at Melbourne Airport. He posted a video on Instagram, describing how he was pulled...
Belinda Carlisle, the iconic rock star who has entertained fans for nearly fifty years, is gearing up for her upcoming tour in Australia. Best known as...
Bobby Slater, the 21-year-old actor from EastEnders, has recently shared his thoughts about all the buzz surrounding his love life. With rumors linking him to former...