A documentary film shedding light on the enigmatic life of Roy Cohn, the former lawyer and mentor to Donald Trump, has sparked discussions in the entertainment...
Alesha Dixon, the celebrated entertainer known for her role on Britain’s Got Talent, and her longtime partner Azuka Ononye, have shared a heartwarming love story spanning...
Emmerdale star Jonny McPherson, who portrays Liam Cavanagh on the popular British soap opera, has foreseen the demise of his character’s romantic entanglement with Ella following...
The annual June in Buffalo, a renowned music festival and conference highlighting emerging composers, is set to take place from June 9 to 15 on the...
Jennifer Lopez has made the decision to cancel her upcoming summer tour ‘THIS IS ME…LIVE’ in order to prioritize spending time with her family and friends,...
Actress and singer Mandy Moore has taken to social media to share the exciting news of her third pregnancy with husband Taylor Goldsmith. In a heartwarming...
Sofia Vergara stunned audiences with her transformative look in the Netflix series ‘Griselda,’ embodying the role of crime boss Griselda Blanco to perfection. Director and executive...
Nigerian music sensation, Kizz Daniel, has unveiled his latest single titled ‘Double’ under the umbrella of Artmatazz Media, as announced by the CEO Christian Agadibe in...
Renowned musician Lenny Kravitz has excitedly revealed that his daughter, Zoe Kravitz, and her partner, actor Channing Tatum, are set to walk down the aisle next...
Country music legend Alan Jackson is bringing his iconic Last Call: One More for the Road Tour back to Bud Walton Arena in Fayetteville, Arkansas. The...