Piers Morgan, renowned journalist and host of the controversial talk show Piers Morgan Uncensored, has made a bold move by transitioning the show from the traditional...
Selena Gomez and her boyfriend, Benny Blanco, were recently spotted enjoying a fun hangout with their Only Murders in the Building costars. In an Instagram Story...
Director Elan‘s latest film ‘Star‘ is a heartfelt coming-of-age story that revolves around the struggles of an aspiring actor named Kavin. The movie, although filled with...
Post Malone and Morgan Wallen have dropped their highly-anticipated collaboration, ‘I Had Some Help,’ to kick off the weekend. The single comes after the artists joined...
Israel has swiftly transitioned from being an underdog to a top contender in the Eurovision 2024 betting odds, now closely challenging Croatia, the favorite to win...
Chad Michael Murray, the heartthrob of the early 2000s, has now transitioned to a family-focused career approach, ensuring his roles align with his parental responsibilities. In...
Acclaimed actor and director Andy Serkis is set to direct a highly anticipated sequel in the beloved ‘Lord of the Rings‘ franchise alongside the original Oscar-winning...
Veteran Nigerian actor Kanayo O. Kanayo has taken a public stance on traditional Igbo culture by blessing his son, Clinton Mbaise, as per ancestral customs. Kanayo,...
The enthralling drama series ‘Murder in Mahim’ delves into the layers of injustice while shining a spotlight on LGBTQ+ rights, a sensitive and crucial focus in...
In the latest romantic comedy streamer, Miranda Cosgrove shines, This tale unfolds as Miranda Cosgrove’s character, Emma, navigates familial revelations, Set against the scenic backdrop of...