Gildor Roy, a renowned Canadian actor, singer, and host, was the special guest on the weekly radio show, Club du dimanche hosted by Élisabeth Crête. During...
This past week has seen a surge of conversation in the entertainment world, particularly around the captivating series Baby Reindeer. Viewers worldwide are not only engrossed...
Popular South Indian actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu celebrated her 37th birthday in a special way by unveiling her new film project titled ‘Bangaram.’ The announcement came...
Nicole Kidman has made history by becoming the first Australian actor to receive the prestigious American Film Institute Lifetime Achievement Award. This accolade, considered the highest...
Australian radio and television pioneer, Graham Webb, known for his groundbreaking work in music television and radio, has passed away at the age of 88. Webb,...
Renowned singer-songwriter Neil Diamond, celebrated for timeless hits like Sweet Caroline and I’m A Believer, has navigated a career spanning over seven decades marked by immense...
The Young and the Restless star Michelle Stafford, known for her role as Phyllis on the popular soap opera, recently had a comical encounter with an...
Alejandra Marisa Rodriguez, a 60-year-old lawyer from La Plata, Argentina, has made a groundbreaking achievement by securing the title of Miss Universe for Buenos Aires Province....
Hollywood is in mourning following the sudden passing of esteemed production designer Ray Chan, known for his work on several Marvel Studios films including ‘Deadpool‘ and...
It was a week of glitz and glamour in Los Angeles and New York as Hollywood A-listers and influential figures gathered at various premieres, galas, and...