Dollywood, the renowned theme park in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, is gearing up for the return of its highly anticipated Harvest Festival, presented by Humana. This annual...
Daylight Saving Time (DST) is set to end on November 3, 2024, marking the time when most Americans will need to adjust their clocks. This annual...
Court TV has been at the forefront of covering some of the most riveting and high-profile trials in recent days. One of the notable cases includes...
NJ Transit has announced a suspension of River Line light rail service in both directions between Riverside and Cinnaminson stations. The disruption is due to a...
A recent DNA study has shed new light on the origins of Christopher Columbus, suggesting that the famous explorer may have been a Sephardic Jew from...
With early voting set to begin in North Carolina this Thursday, presidential campaigns are escalating their efforts to sway voters in this crucial battleground state. Vice...
The highly anticipated trial of Richard Allen, accused of the 2017 murders of two teenage girls in Delphi, Indiana, is set to begin on Monday, October...
Veterans Day in 2024 will be observed on Monday, November 11, marking a significant day to honor and thank all military personnel who have served in...
Dallas, Texas, is set to experience a stretch of sunny and relatively mild weather over the coming days. According to the latest forecasts from the National...
Daron Acemoglu, along with Simon Johnson and James A. Robinson, has been awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced...