In Brooklyn, New York, a significant power outage occurred on Thursday morning, leaving thousands of residents in the Flatbush and East Flatbush neighborhoods without electricity. The...
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has unveiled an unconventional approach in its investigation into cryptocurrency markets by creating its own digital token. The cryptocurrency, named...
A masterpiece by French Impressionist Claude Monet, once owned by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, has undergone restoration work to remove grime from cigar and...
In a move aimed at addressing the growing problem of overcrowded prisons, the UK government is set to review sentencing policies, with a particular focus on...
TikTok users are currently engaged in discussions concerning a biblical prophecy, claiming that the reappearance of a celestial body supports the notion of a second coming...
Greig Nori, the former manager of the Canadian rock band Sum 41, has denied allegations that he coerced the band’s frontman, Deryck Whibley, into a sexual...
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey announced on Thursday that the state will deploy the National Guard to assist in recovery operations in Florida and North Carolina, following...
Hurricane Milton, which struck Florida’s west coast as a Category 3 storm, has left significant destruction in its wake before being downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone,...
The annual North Carolina State Fair, a longstanding tradition in Raleigh, is set to return from October 17 to 27 at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds....
Early voting sites across North Carolina, including in Wake County and the Triangle area, are preparing to open next week as the state gears up for...