As autumn unfolds, the days grow shorter, signaling the imminent end of daylight saving time for the year 2024. This change will take place precisely at...
The co-founder of OceanGate, the company behind the ill-fated submersible Titan, recently expressed the original lofty goals of the venture before the tragic incident that claimed...
Under a groundbreaking new law signed by Governor Gavin Newsom on Sunday, California will ban the use of all plastic shopping bags by 2026. This legislation...
The Thane Police Crime Branch reported a controversial encounter on Monday, leading to the death of Akshay Shinde, a 24-year-old accused in a serious case of...
With a potential government shutdown looming, U.S. congressional leaders have reached a consensus on a short-term funding measure to keep the federal government operational. The proposed...
Today, advocates for Marcellus “Khaliifah” Williams gathered outside the Missouri Supreme Court, where his appeal was heard in a final attempt to halt his execution scheduled...
A new law in the United Kingdom banning ‘zombie-style’ knives comes into effect at midnight, marking a significant change to the Criminal Justice Act 1988. The...
The annual Brownlow Medal ceremony, hosted by the Australian Football League (AFL), is not only a chance to honor the league’s most outstanding player, but it...
As the United Kingdom bids farewell to summer, severe weather warnings have been issued for Sunday and Monday due to the expectation of ‘intense’ thunderstorms and...
The Bombay High Court has voiced its disapproval over the Mumbai police’s handling of the arrest procedure in the high-profile BMW hit-and-run case, emphasizing the need...