BLOEMFONTEIN – The courtroom drama surrounding Thabo Bester, famously dubbed the “Facebook rapist,” continues to unfold as he and his alleged accomplice, Nandipha Magudumana, prepare to...
Calgary is experiencing smoky conditions, and authorities are warning residents about the impact on air quality. As of 7 a.m., the city’s Air Quality Health Index...
In a chilling revelation, police officials have issued warnings about the radicalization of young men and boys influenced by online personalities like Andrew Tate. Senior police...
A new trial date has been officially set for Karen Read, the Massachusetts woman charged in the death of her boyfriend, John O’Keefe, a Boston police...
Late Monday night, residents, campers, and visitors in Jasper, Alberta, were urged to evacuate immediately due to an approaching wildfire that has spread rapidly, threatening the...
The RSPCA has announced the urgent need for assistance in rehoming more than 250 labradoodles following the closure of Tasmania‘s largest dog breeder, Tasmanian Labradoodles. This...
Kensington Palace has unveiled a new portrait of Prince George to celebrate his 11th birthday. The black and white image, captured by his mother, Catherine, the...
A former BBC TV presenter who made a bold career shift to become a firefighter has tragically passed away. Beccy Barr, who was 46 years old...
The Farnborough International Airshow (FIA) 2024 is underway, showcasing key advancements in the aerospace industry as global leaders gather to explore the latest innovations and military...
WILLIAMS LAKE, BC – A wildfire in the verdant river valley of Williams Lake has prompted local authorities to declare a State of Local Emergency (SOLE)...