Renowned journalist Howard Fineman, a stalwart of American media for over four decades, passed away leaving behind a legacy that transcended mere reporting. Throughout his illustrious...
A tornado watch has been put in effect for several areas including Newmarket, Barrie, Bracebridge, and Innisfil, in Ontario, following a warning by Environment Canada of...
Severe weather alerts have been issued across Ontario and Quebec, prompting a tornado watch by Environment Canada. The alerts, stretching from Sault Ste. Marie to Wellington...
A group of climate protesters caused a temporary disruption at the annual Congressional Baseball Game on Wednesday night, when they stormed the field to protest the...
A tropical disturbance has resulted in a rare flash flood emergency across southern Florida, with heavy rainfall disrupting daily life on Thursday and Friday. The disorganized...
Coles supermarket has implemented restrictions on egg purchases as a preventative measure following the spread of avian influenza in Victoria. The outbreak, which has affected multiple...
The Bombay High Court has directed the Maharashtra prison authority to reconsider the escort charges imposed on Muzammil Shaikh, a convict of the Mumbai train blasts,...
For years, the sneaker enthusiasts have overshadowed the comfort and style of sneakers, but a recent collaboration between Moonstar and Buck Mason is changing the game....
Recent incidents of shark attacks along the Florida panhandle coast have sparked fear and concern among swimmers and beachgoers. Last week, two separate attacks occurred in...
Johannesburg‘s electricity utility, City Power, is set to initiate load reduction in areas with exceptionally high power consumption starting today. With over 80 regions identified and...