A beloved Disneyland cast member, Bonnye Mavis Lear, tragically lost her life following a grave accident at the iconic Southern California theme park. Lear, a devoted...
An investigation has been initiated following a malfunction on a funfair ride that resulted in the hospitalization of four individuals, including an 11-year-old girl, at the...
Boxing sensation Ryan Garcia found himself in legal trouble on Saturday as he was arrested for felony vandalism following an incident at a prestigious hotel in...
A tragic car crash on the Brand Highway in Western Australia has resulted in the loss of two lives, leading to the former Collingwood player, Shannon...
In a poignant recollection of history, photographer Paul Fusco’s haunting presence aboard Robert F. Kennedy‘s funeral train on June 8, 1968, has been uncovered by Rein...
An Atmore woman identified as Sara Milliken recently clinched the prestigious title of Miss National American Alabama after a dedicated pursuit over eight years. However, the...
Passengers aboard Southwest Airlines flight 225 bound for Phoenix from Denver found themselves in a terrifying situation as the aircraft experienced a tire failure shortly after...
Decorated figure skater Tessa Virtue and Toronto Maple Leaf Morgan Rielly have hired a lobbyist as they seek permission to paint the exterior of their Rosedale...
The man responsible for the rape and murder of a teenage girl in Burnaby, B.C. seven years ago has been handed a life sentence with no...
The Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) is currently experiencing heightened delays at the Windsor-Detroit border, despite impending strike action being deferred to next week. According to...