Film actress Jaya Amitabh Bachchan, renowned for her candid expressions, is gearing up to contest for a fifth consecutive term as a Member of Parliament in...
Samajwadi Party’s National General Secretary, Swami Prasad Maurya, has tendered his resignation, citing discrimination within the party’s leadership. Maurya addressed his resignation letter to the party...
Former President Donald Trump has disclosed a series of endorsements for leadership roles within the Republican National Committee (RNC) on Monday night, signaling a significant shake-up...
Former Congress President Sonia Gandhi is set to file her nomination for the upcoming Rajya Sabha elections, with political speculations pointing towards her representing Rajasthan. The...
As Nigeria commemorates the 2024 World Radio Day, there is a call for all radio stations, both traditional and online, to uphold responsible broadcasting practices, focusing...
Former Liberal Member of Parliament Raj Grewal is pursuing millions of dollars in damages from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Ontario attorney general...
The Democratic Alliance (DA) has taken decisive action by laying criminal charges against Deputy President Paul Mashatile amid a series of corruption allegations. The DA’s leader,...
Federal prosecutors handling the case involving documents from Donald Trump‘s Mar-a-Lago estate have utilized past cases worked on by Judge Aileen Cannon to make their case....
President of the Quebec National Assembly, Nathalie Roy, is facing criticism for her decision to withhold the disclosure of her public expenses, as reported by the...
Labour has announced that it has withdrawn support for its Rochdale by-election candidate, Azhar Ali, over controversial comments made regarding Israel, according to BBC sources. The...