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Celine Dion Steals the Show at Paris Olympics and Breaks Streaming Records



Celine Dion Paris Olympics Eiffel Tower

Celine Dion recently made a profound impact at the Paris Olympics, showcasing her enduring talent and the global appeal of French music. During the opening ceremony, Dion performed a monumental rendition of Edith Piaf‘s *L’Hymne à l’amour* from the top of the Eiffel Tower, a performance that resonated deeply with audiences worldwide. Within 24 hours, streamings of the song increased by more than 300 percent globally, highlighting the lasting influence of French-language songs on international audiences.

This performance was part of a broader celebration of French music at the Paris Olympics, which also featured other notable French artists. The event underscored the global success of French-language songs, particularly those by female artists such as Stromae, Aya Nakamura, and Edith Piaf. The new International Centre of the French Language outside Paris is exploring this phenomenon in its opening exhibition, examining why non-francophone listeners are drawn to these songs and what they represent about France and its culture.

Celine Dion, often referred to as the ‘Everest of French song,’ has been a pivotal figure in promoting French music internationally. Her career, along with those of other French icons like Juliette Gréco and Edith Piaf, has been marked by a blend of artistic excellence and cultural significance. These artists have not only represented France but have also redefined its image on the global stage, embodying freedom, beauty, and glamour.

In addition to her recent performance, Dion has been in the news for her significant weight loss over the past two years, losing an astonishing 96 pounds. This transformation has sparked both speculation and concern regarding her health, although no official statement has been made by Dion or her representatives.

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