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DNC Union Launches GoFundMe to Aid Staffers Affected by Massive Layoffs



Dnc Staff Union Gofundme Layoffs

The union representing members of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has initiated a GoFundMe campaign to support staffers who were abruptly laid off following the 2024 election. The layoffs, which affected two-thirds of the DNC staff, were criticized by the union as “callous” and “short-sighted” since they included employees who were previously assured their positions would be safe after Election Day.

The GoFundMe page, created by the DNC staff union, aims to raise $25,000 to assist the laid-off staff, many of whom were let go with little notice and no severance. As of the latest update, the fund has raised $15,453 towards its goal. The union emphasized that the relief fund will “directly aid” affected staff members, including single parents and workers expecting children, and will be distributed equally among those who opt in to receive the funds.

The layoffs have sparked significant backlash from current DNC employees and union members, who described the cuts as a “betrayal” of party values. The union’s statement condemned DNC leadership for failing to provide severance to the affected employees, leaving them to struggle with rent, medical expenses, and childcare costs. The union has called on Democratic Party leadership to offer severance to all permanent employees who were laid off and to communicate more transparently with the remaining staff about the future.

The DNC has not yet responded to requests for comment on the union’s demands or any efforts to ease the transition for the affected employees.

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