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Doja Cat and Joseph Quinn Spotted Together



Doja Cat And Joseph Quinn Spotted Together

It looks like Doja Cat may be dating Joseph Quinn! Recently, the two were spotted getting cozy in London, which has sparked a lot of buzz among fans.

On August 18, the gossip account DeuxMoi shared an anonymous tip that Doja Cat and the 30-year-old actor were seen having a good time at a music venue called Dingwalls. Although the initial photo was a bit blurry, The Sun later published clearer shots of them hanging out at a pub on August 17.

Fans got even more excited when DeuxMoi shared another video showing the two walking hand-in-hand in London about two weeks prior. Their body language suggested that this relationship might be more than just a brief fling.

The excitement over the potential romance is even more interesting considering that two years ago, Doja Cat had a crush on Quinn, which became public when his Stranger Things co-star Noah Schnapp leaked her messages asking him to set her up with Quinn. That incident left her feeling embarrassed and degraded.

Now, seeing Doja Cat and Joseph Quinn together has many fans reminiscing about that incident. One user commented that the drama with Schnapp was worth it, while another praised Doja Cat for going after what she wants.

Doja Cat sure seems to be following through on her past feelings for Quinn as they were seen connecting in London. Who knows where this blossoming romance might lead!

Rachel Adams

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