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7-Eleven and Green Day Collaborate for Coffee Anniversary Event



7 Eleven Green Day Coffee Launch Event

IRVING, Texas, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On August 28, 7-Eleven, Inc. will launch an exclusive Anniversary Blend coffee under the name of Green Day‘s coffee brand, Punk Bunny. This event marks two significant anniversaries: the 60th anniversary of 7-Eleven’s introduction of freshly brewed coffee in to-go cups and the 30th anniversary of Green Day’s breakout album.

To celebrate this launch, 7-Eleven and Punk Bunny will host an event at 800 6th Ave in New York City. Starting at 8:00 a.m. ET, the first 50 fans who get a custom 7-Eleven x Punk Bunny tattoo will receive free coffee from 7-Eleven for 711 days. The tattoo, created by tattoo artist Lady Cobra, is designed to be semi-permanent.

As Dennis Phelps, Senior Vice President of Merchandising at 7-Eleven, stated, the collaboration with Punk Bunny aims to bring new and exclusive coffee options to customers while commemorating 60 years of to-go coffee. The Punk Bunny Coffee Anniversary Blend is crafted with hints of citrus and rich stone fruit undertones, providing a unique coffee experience.

In addition to the Anniversary Blend, Punk Bunny will also offer Fair Trade Certified coffee packages and K-Cups in stores. Limited-edition collectible refill mugs inspired by Punk Bunny will also be available for fans at selected stores while supplies last.

Billie Joe Armstrong, the frontman of Green Day, expressed his excitement about this collaboration, recalling how the local 7-Eleven was a cherished spot during the band’s early days. As Green Day celebrates significant milestones in their career, the partnership with 7-Eleven even feels like a full-circle moment.

For fans outside of New York City, a special merchandise capsule will be available online, featuring co-branded apparel and accessories. This will allow more fans to participate in the celebration of this unique collaboration.

Rachel Adams

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