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Amit Shah Secures a Dominant Lead in Gandhinagar Lok Sabha Seat



Amit Shah Secures A Dominant Lead In Gandhinagar Lok Sabha Seat

The Gandhinagar Lok Sabha constituency is witnessing a significant lead for Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) Amit Shah as the counting of votes progresses. Shah, a prominent leader, has a commanding margin of 3,07,157 votes over his Congress rival Sonal Patel.

The Congress party has put forward Sonal Patel to contest against Amit Shah in the prestigious seat of Gandhinagar. The latest exit poll forecasts have indicated a decisive victory for Shah and a sweeping win for the BJP in Gujarat.

Before becoming a Member of Parliament, Amit Shah represented Gandhinagar at the assembly level. He expressed during his nomination filing that the elections aim at granting a third term to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for steering India towards development by 2047.

Shah highlighted the necessity of correcting the errors of the previous UPA government during Modi’s initial two terms. Rising from a humble booth worker, Shah emphasized the support he received from the people of Gandhinagar.

Union Minister Amit Shah has further increased his lead against Congress candidate Sonal Patel, with a margin exceeding 5 lakh votes. Patel is trailing significantly with over 1.4 lakh votes in the constituency.

With over 5 lakh votes secured, Amit Shah is poised for a substantial victory in Gandhinagar. Additionally, Congress candidate Sonal Patel is trailing by approximately 4 lakh votes.

Notably, the option ‘None of the above’ (NOTA) has registered over 8,000 votes, surpassing the combined tally of votes polled by all independent candidates in the election.

Former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and BJP stalwart Lal Krishan Advani were the previous representatives of the Gandhinagar seat. The constituency witnessed nearly 60% voter turnout in the recent elections.

Rachel Adams

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