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Arsenal Fans Target Manchester City Goalkeeper Ederson with Prank Text Messages



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Manchester City goalkeeper Ederson faced a flurry of prank text messages from Arsenal fans prior to their crucial match against Tottenham, where City emerged victorious. The Brazilian shot-stopper showcased some humorous messages he had received after his personal phone number was leaked, inciting laughter rather than distraction.

Leaked phone number led Arsenal supporters to bombard Ederson with texts, attempting to disrupt him ahead of the Tottenham game. Messages ranged from cheeky compliments to direct commands, reflecting the high stakes of the Premier League title race between Arsenal and City.

Despite being substituted in the second half due to a head injury from a collision with Tottenham’s defender Cristian Romero, Ederson found light-hearted amusement in sharing these messages post-game, showcasing his resilience.

One Arsenal fan’s message humorously inquired about a ‘good night’, while another urged Ederson, in a straightforward manner, to avoid any ‘howlers’. The text exchange underlined the spirited rivalry between the two clubs vying for the coveted Premier League crown.

The mischievous texting spree, orchestrated by Arsenal fans, was a testament to the lengths supporters go to in bolstering their team’s chances. Despite the efforts to unsettle City’s goalkeeper, Ederson remained composed and displayed unwavering focus on the pitch.

Rachel Adams

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