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ASUU Calls for Immediate Action to Address University Autonomy and Outstanding Issues



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The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has reiterated its stance on the need for urgent action to address the erosion of university autonomy and outstanding issues with the Federal and State Governments. The union raised concerns over the continuous absence of governing councils in public universities, leading to illegalities and violations of autonomy.

During the National Executive Council (NEC) meeting at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, ASUU President Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke expressed the union’s firm resolution to no longer tolerate the lack of reinstatement or reconstitution of governing councils in public universities. Osodeke emphasized the detrimental impact of the dissolved councils on the proper functioning and governance of universities.

The NEC noted with dismay the trend of universities being run without functional governing councils for the past 11 months. This situation has resulted in rampant unauthorized actions by university administrations and outgoing vice-chancellors, leading to transparency and accountability issues in managing university affairs.

Highlighting the provisions of the Universities Miscellaneous Act (1993, 2012), ASUU condemned the illegal dissolution of governing councils by the Federal Government and various state governments. The union underscored the critical role of governing councils in ensuring proper oversight, decision-making, and accountability within the university system.

Prof. Osodeke stressed the union’s commitment to upholding the principles of collective bargaining, as enshrined in the International Labour Organisation‘s (ILO) conventions. He reiterated ASUU’s demand for a comprehensive renegotiation of the FGN/ASUU 2009 agreement to address not just salary issues but also broader concerns for enhancing the competitiveness of Nigeria‘s public universities.

Rachel Adams

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