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Belgian Opera Star Jodie Devos Mourned After Tragic Passing



Belgian Opera Star Jodie Devos Mourned After Tragic Passing

Belgian opera has been plunged into mourning following the sudden and tragic passing of Jodie Devos, a talented soprano born in Lahérie, Neufchâteau. The 35-year-old singer lost her battle with cancer in Paris, leaving behind a legacy of exceptional vocal prowess and unwavering dedication to her craft.

Devos shot to fame in 2014 after clinching the Second Prize and the Musiq3 Audience Prize at the Reine Élisabeth Competition in Belgium. Her remarkable performance opened doors to prestigious opera houses around the world, from La Monnaie in Brussels to international stages in India, Italy, Canada, Brazil, and beyond.

Paris became a second home for Devos, where she dazzled audiences with her vocal agility and magnetic stage presence. Despite her skyrocketing career, she remained humble, frequently returning to perform at her beloved Opéra Royal de Wallonie-Liège when her busy schedule allowed.

Throughout her career, Devos showcased her versatility by mastering a range of roles and enchanting audiences with her captivating voice. Her talent in the coloratura repertoire, including works by Offenbach, Mozart, and more, earned her widespread acclaim and numerous accolades.

Devos’ untimely passing has prompted an outpouring of tributes from esteemed figures in the classical music world. Soprano and conductor Barbara Hannigan, Conductor Dirk Brossé, French string soloists Renaud and Gautier Capuçon, and American soprano Lisette Oropesa have all expressed their deep sorrow at the loss of a shining star in the opera firmament.

Whether gracing the stages of Paris National Opera, Montpellier Opera, or lending her vocals to orchestras like the National Orchestra of Belgium and the French National Orchestra, Devos left an indelible mark on the global opera landscape. Her legacy as a luminary talent in the opera industry will endure for years to come.

Rachel Adams

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