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Boeing Gift Enables Permanent Display of Emancipation Proclamation at National Archives



Boeing Gift Enables Permanent Display Of Emancipation Proclamation At National Archives

The National Archives has announced a significant development in American history as the Emancipation Proclamation is set to have a permanent display in the Rotunda at the National Archives Building in Washington, DC, by the year 2026.

This historic initiative has been made possible through a generous donation from Boeing to the National Archives Foundation, the nonprofit partner of the National Archives.

Archivist of the United States, Dr. Colleen Shogan, emphasized the importance of this move, highlighting how the Emancipation Proclamation marks a transformative moment in the nation’s journey towards freedom.

The iconic document will be encased alongside the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights, symbolizing its significance in shaping America’s foundation.

Boeing’s President and CEO, Ted Colbert, expressed the company’s commitment to fostering civic engagement and promoting conversations on building an equitable and inclusive society through this historic display.

A specially designed case will be constructed to house the Emancipation Proclamation in the National Archives Rotunda, ensuring its preservation, security, and seamless integration with the historic architecture.

Dr. Shogan initially proposed the idea of a permanent display for the Emancipation Proclamation last year during the Juneteenth celebrations, underlining the need to enhance public access to the National Archives’ crucial records.

The National Archives Foundation, with the support of The Boeing Company, is facilitating the Emancipation Proclamation and General Order No. 3 Featured Document Presentation for visitors, offering a unique opportunity to engage with these historic documents.

Rachel Adams

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