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Brooke McClymont and Adam Eckersley Overcome COVID Setbacks with Unique Glamping Experience



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Brooke McClymont and her musician husband Adam Eckersley, known for their success as part of The McClymonts, faced a major challenge in 2021 due to COVID-19.

The couple, hailing from Grafton, a town in northern NSW, lost their live music gigs when the pandemic hit, leaving them with only $400 in the bank.

To combat the loss of income, McClymont and Eckersley came up with a unique idea – ‘Hang at the Wang‘, a glamping and live entertainment experience hosted on their farm in Wang Wauk, three hours from Sydney.

The concept was a gamble, but it paid off, helping them cover their expenses and bringing back stability to their lives.

‘Hang at the Wang’ became a lifeline for the couple, allowing them to interact with fans and share their music in an intimate setting.

A TV feature on A Current Affair showed the duo entertaining a group of guests, including their talented 11-year-old daughter Tiggy, who has won a Golden Guitar.

As the night unfolded, the guests enjoyed a cozy evening with fireside chats, music, and even impromptu performances, creating a memorable experience for all.

McClymont and Eckersley, known for their hit songs like ‘Heart’s All I Want to Do is Make Love to You’, continue to connect with their audience through initiatives like ‘Hang at the Wang’ and their upcoming Country Love tour.

To learn more about their events and music, fans can visit their official website for tickets and updates.

Rachel Adams

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