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Bruce Springsteen Rocks Cardiff Stadium in Epic Three-Hour Show



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Bruce Springsteen, also known as The Boss, made a triumphant return to Cardiff after 11 years alongside his legendary E Street Band at the Principality Stadium in Wales. The rock icon kicked off his highly anticipated European tour with a power-packed three-hour performance that left fans in awe.

The show, which began at 7 pm with no supporting act, saw Springsteen belting out hit after hit from his extensive music catalog. The roof-covered stadium reverberated with classics like «So Young And In Love,» «Lonesome Day,» «Darlington County,» and «Ghosts,» setting the tone for an unforgettable evening of rock music.

One standout moment was when Springsteen engaged the crowd with favorites like «Hungry Heart,» igniting a wave of excitement among the adoring fans at the Principality Stadium. Throughout the night, attendees held up quirky placards, some requesting personal interactions with the rock icon.

The music legend delighted the audience with anecdotes, including a note about his track «If I Was The Priest,» humorously remarking on its creation 50 years ago. Springsteen’s energy and connection with the crowd were evident as he led the E Street Band through covers of «Nightshift» by the Commodores and «Because The Night,» a collaboration with Patti Smith.

As the concert progressed, Springsteen paid tribute to a late friend named George with a heartwarming rendition of «Last Man Standing,» showcasing both his musical prowess and emotional depth. Throughout the evening, the band’s skilled musicianship shone brightly, complementing Springsteen’s timeless stage presence.

The second half of the show brought more iconic tracks like «Wrecking Ball,» «The Rising,» and «Badlands,» pushing the performance beyond the two-hour mark. However, Springsteen was far from done, treating the audience to an enthralling encore featuring classics such as «Born In The USA,» «Born To Run,» and «Dancing In The Dark.»

Despite his age of 75, Springsteen demonstrated an unparalleled stamina and passion for performing, captivating the audience effortlessly for three unforgettable hours. The finale left fans electrified, marking a sensational start to his European tour after more than a decade-long hiatus from Cardiff.

Rachel Adams

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