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Celebrating Independence: A Ghanaian’s Reflection on Fourth of July in the U.S. and Ghana



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On his inaugural Fourth of July experience in the United States, a Ghanaian immigrant residing in Fernley, Nevada, woke up to a town bustling with anticipation as residents flocked to Main Street for the celebrations.

Having grown up in Ghana, the concept of America’s Independence Day initially bewildered him, sparking a comparison with his own nation’s independence celebration.

Reflecting on his Ghanaian childhood memories, the author recalls the rigorous yet joyful preparations for the country’s Independence Day, marked by uniformed school marches and a coveted prize of Coca-Cola.

As he witnessed the diverse spectacle of the Fourth of July parade in Nevada and marveled at the fireworks display from Washington D.C., the Ghanaian immigrant contemplated the essence of true independence and its implications for nations worldwide.

Recalling the inspiring words of Ghana’s first president, Kwame Nkrumah, on the intertwined nature of African liberation and true independence, he raises critical questions about the global dependencies that challenge notions of sovereignty.

Drawing parallels between Ghana’s ongoing struggles for economic independence and America’s contemporary issues with inclusivity and equality, the author urges a collective pursuit of genuine independence and liberty.

Finishing with an optimistic tone, he cherishes the small joys of independence, from childhood marching memories to the shared moments of celebration with his family in Alaska.

Rachel Adams

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