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China Launches Military Drills Targeting Taiwan in Response to President’s Inauguration



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China has commenced a series of military exercises aimed specifically at Taiwan for the second consecutive day, with a focus on testing its capacity to «seize power» following the inauguration of the island’s new president on Monday.

The exercises involve various Chinese military units including the air force, rocket force, navy, army, and coast guard. The drills, which Beijing claims are a response to what it perceives as «separatist acts,» have been illustrated on maps depicting target areas in the waters surrounding Taiwan’s primary island, as well as offshore islands in close proximity to the Chinese mainland.

The Chinese defence ministry has stated that the purpose of these drills is to assess the military’s ability to «seize power» and take control of key strategic areas, in line with China’s overarching objective of annexing Taiwan, a notion vehemently rejected by Taiwan’s government and its people.

Taiwan’s president, Lai Ching-te, who assumed office on Monday after winning democratic elections earlier this year, has voiced confidence in the Taiwanese military’s capability to safeguard the island nation against external threats.

During the military exercises, China’s coast guard also conducted «enforcement drills» off Taiwan’s east coast, including simulated inspections of civilian boats. Additionally, the PLA executed mock assaults on foreign vessels in the Bashi Channel, situated between Taiwan and the Philippines. Around 24 Chinese warplanes purportedly approached close to Taiwan, with none breaching Taiwan’s 24 nautical mile contiguous zone.

The international community, including representatives from Japan, the US, South Korea, and Australia, have urged for restraint and calm in response to the escalating tensions in the region. Australia’s Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, highlighted the growing risk of accidents and potential escalation as a result of the heightened military activities.

Amidst this tense situation, the European Union has underscored its interest in maintaining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait and has expressed opposition to any unilateral actions that attempt to alter this status quo using force or coercion.

UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has kept a close eye on developments in the Taiwan Strait, calling on all relevant parties to exercise restraint and avoid actions that could further escalate tensions in the region.

Rachel Adams

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