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Chinese President Xi Jinping Arrives in France for State Visit



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Chinese President Xi Jinping has landed in Paris for a state visit, marking his return to Europe for the first time since 2019. The visit is significant, with Xi Jinping scheduled to meet with French President Emmanuel Macron to discuss various diplomatic and economic matters.

Xi Jinping’s arrival in France has been met with high expectations, especially in light of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Macron aims to engage Xi Jinping on the Ukraine conflict, urging China to play a constructive role in finding a resolution.

Following his visit to France, Xi Jinping will continue his tour by visiting Serbia and Hungary, two countries that have maintained close ties with Russia.

During his time in France, Xi Jinping is set to participate in several high-profile meetings with Emmanuel Macron, Ursula von der Leyen, and other European leaders. The discussions are expected to cover trade disputes and cooperation on various issues.

Emmanuel Macron’s focus on reciprocity in trade relations with China indicates a shift in France’s approach towards Chinese economic policies. The discussions are likely to address concerns over state subsidies and market fairness.

Despite the diplomatic nature of the visit, tensions remain on key issues like human rights and geopolitical allegiances. Activists, including Tibetans, have protested Xi Jinping’s visit to France, highlighting ongoing concerns in these areas.

Rachel Adams

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