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Closure Hopes After Sentencing of Lauren Dickason for Tragic Deaths of Children



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Almost three years have passed since the devastating tragedy that shook the community of Timaru, with the recent sentencing of Lauren Dickason for the heart-wrenching deaths of her three children.

Lauren Dickason faced the Christchurch High Court where she was sentenced to 18 years, with the initial period to be served in a secure mental health facility. The court found her guilty of smothering her daughters, 6-year-old Lianè, and 2-year-old twins Karla and Maya, just three weeks after the family’s relocation from South Africa to Timaru.

Justice Cameron Mander, in his ruling, opted not to impose a minimum non-parole period, attributing Dickason’s severe mental illness not just as a contributing factor but the primary cause of her actions.

Jade Whaley, a neighbor of the Dickason family, shared the harrowing experience of hearing Graham Dickason’s cries and witnessing Lauren’s departure in an ambulance after the tragic discovery. She spoke of the lingering impact of the events on her and her husband, leading them to plant a memorial tree honoring the three young girls.

In expressing forgiveness towards Dickason, Graham Dickason highlighted the life-altering nature of the incident. He, alongside others close to the family, disclosed their forgiveness during the court proceedings, emphasizing the enduring pain inflicted by the tragic events of September 2021.

Timaru District mayor Nigel Bowen reflected on the collective sorrow experienced by the local community and beyond, noting the profound impact of the incident despite the Dickason family’s brief tenure in the area. Bowen remarked on the verdict providing a semblance of closure for many affected by the tragic loss.

Lauren Dickason’s public apology encapsulated her deep remorse and acknowledgment of the anguish caused by her actions, emphasizing her commitment to seeking mental well-being. With eligibility for parole in six years, Dickason’s statement reflected her resolve to address her mental health while acknowledging the irreversible consequences of her deeds.

Rachel Adams

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