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Collapsing War Cabinet in Israel Challenges Govt’s Stability



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Over the weekend, the war cabinet in Israel faced significant turmoil as key members including Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot resigned, challenging the stability of the government amidst continued conflict in Gaza.

Initially formed as a unity alliance, the collapse of the war cabinet has intensified longstanding political challenges within Israel’s government, putting forward concerns regarding the conflict resolution strategies.

The withdrawal of Gantz and Eisenkot, both esteemed military figures with a moderating influence, has left Netanyahu, the proficient yet controversial leader, managing a divided council that can no longer effectively represent the Knesset.

The inherent issue in Israel’s political structure, the necessity for complex coalitions due to its proportional representation system, has now become a pressing concern as Netanyahu attempts to navigate the demands of minor parties to retain power.

The departure of Ben-Gvir and Smotrich, vocal extremists aiming for aggressive measures in the conflict, has emphasized the fragile nature of coalitions and the challenges they pose to constructive decision-making.

Simultaneously, ongoing debates around the exemptions of Haredis from military service and taxes have fueled societal tensions, drawing focus from overarching political objectives.

As the conflict persists, Israel’s leadership grapples with the consequences of the war’s failure, the grueling negotiations for hostage release, and the necessity for a comprehensive post-conflict transition strategy.

Despite recent successes such as the Operation «Seeds of Summer,» which rescued hostages, the strategic military objectives remain uncertain, emphasizing the urgent need for political resolutions over military tactics.

The complexity of Israeli politics is further exacerbated by Netanyahu’s fierce hold on power, revealing underlying tensions and disparate political interests that dictate decision-making in times of crisis.

Rachel Adams

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