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Community Rallies to Support Toddler Fighting Rare Illness in Billings Parade Celebration



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In a heartwarming display of unity and support, the streets of Billings witnessed a vibrant parade on Sunday to commemorate the centennial anniversary of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924. This historic event marked the granting of citizenship to Native Americans born in the United States, particularly highlighting the right to vote.

Amidst the colorful floats and joyful crowds, the final float in the procession stood out as a beacon of hope and solidarity. Led by Amanda Boyer and her family, their mission was to raise awareness and funds for a courageous young warrior battling a severe illness.

Aaniyah Raeleah Georgie Busch, affectionately known as Little Hummingbird Girl in her Lakota tradition, is just 20-months-old and currently fighting for her life in an ICU. What began as a seemingly innocuous swollen arm quickly escalated into a life-threatening condition, with doctors in Denver diagnosing her with a rare blood infection that had spread to her lungs.

Boyer shared that medical professionals expressed astonishment at the severity of Aaniyah’s condition, labeling her as the youngest patient they had encountered with such a complex infection. The exact source of the infection remains a mystery, originating from a minor injury that progressed rapidly into staph sepsis and lung complications.

As the community rallies around the Busch family during this challenging time, Amanda Boyer, known for her resilience and strength, is no stranger to adversity. Overcoming personal battles, including addiction, Boyer has emerged as a beacon of hope and positivity in the community, symbolized by her successful business venture, Big Sky Acai food truck.

During the commemorative parade, Boyer’s food truck was joined by other local favorites such as the Fry Bread House and Alfons Flaming Grill, showcasing a united front in support of Aaniyah’s fight for survival. The solidarity extended further as the Señor Salazar food truck owner mobilized a coalition of food truck owners to raise funds for the Busch family.

The outpouring of support from the Billings community underscores the strength found in unity and the unwavering spirit of compassion that binds individuals together during times of crisis. As prayers, donations, and well-wishes pour in for Aaniyah, the resilience and love displayed by her family and the community stand as a testament to the power of empathy and togetherness in overcoming adversity.

Rachel Adams

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