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Controversy Erupts as Blues Left Seething Over Tackle in State of Origin Clash



Controversy Erupts As Blues Left Seething Over Tackle In State Of Origin Clash
Controversy Erupts As Blues Left Seething Over Tackle In State Of Origin Clash

The New South Wales Blues found themselves embroiled in a storm of controversy during the latest State of Origin clash against the Queensland Maroons, as forward Spencer Leniu became the center of a heated debate over a potentially dangerous tackle at Accor Stadium.

It was in the 35th minute of the match with the Blues trailing 20-6 when Leniu made a powerful surge deep into Maroons territory, only to be brought down in a tackle that left him writhing in pain, clutching at his left knee.

Referee Ashley Klein’s decision not to penalize what some believed to be a hip-drop tackle by Harry Grant and Moeaki Fotuaika further fueled the controversy, inciting the NSW players to express their displeasure with a flurry of protests on the field.

Legendary rugby league figures like Andrew Johns, who was commentating on the Nine broadcast, were quick to label the tackle as a hip-drop, echoing the sentiments of the disgruntled Blues fans whose boos reverberated through the stadium.

As tensions ran high, Nine’s commentator Mat Thompson noted the fans’ discontent with the refereeing decision, while highlighting the differing opinions within the game, including that of Maroons captain Daly Cherry-Evans, who did not believe it was a hip-drop tackle.

Despite the uproar, once Leniu was able to resume play, the Blues regrouped and continued their offensive efforts, undeterred by the controversial incident that had momentarily thrown the game into disarray.

Rachel Adams

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