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Crowd Chaos at Vivid Sydney Drone Show Sparks Safety Concerns



Crowd Chaos At Vivid Sydney Drone Show Sparks Safety Concerns
Crowd Chaos At Vivid Sydney Drone Show Sparks Safety Concerns

Attendees at Vivid Sydney recount feeling trapped and facing safety concerns after a massive turnout at the festival’s drone show, held at Circular Quay. The event, known for its dazzling light displays, drew an unexpectedly large crowd leading to congestion near the Overseas Passenger Terminal.

Images shared on social media depict a densely packed Circular Quay foreshore as revellers struggled to navigate the area. Traveler Anthony Warren from Melbourne described the scene as chaotic, with fears of potential crushes among the crowd as they attempted to leave.

Former NSW government minister Victor Dominello echoed Warren’s sentiments, emphasizing the lack of crowd control at the event. He likened the massive turnout to New Year's Eve celebrations, underscoring the overwhelming number of attendees.

Festival director Gill Minervini acknowledged the challenges faced during the event but defended the control measures in place, citing the experience of all agencies involved in managing large crowds. She assured that efforts were made to ensure the safe movement of attendees.

Health Minister Ryan Park highlighted the implementation of additional safety measures for subsequent events, including a heightened police presence. Authorities urged the public to exercise patience and avoid unnecessary crowding at the harbour foreshore.

Vivid Sydney‘s drone show, titled ‘Love is in the Air,’ attracted scores of spectators, leading to comparisons with New Year’s Eve crowd levels. Police intervention was required to disperse the congested crowd and ensure the safety of attendees.

The incident has raised concerns about event safety and crowd management, prompting calls for a reevaluation of control measures at future Vivid Sydney events. NSW Police reassured the public of their continued efforts to maintain order and safety during the festival.

Rachel Adams

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