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Cumin Farmers in Ras al-Ain Suffer Crop Devastation and Financial Losses



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Cumin farmers in the Ras al-Ain area of al-Hasakah are facing a significant setback this year as their crops have been severely impacted by diseases and adverse weather conditions. The cultivation of cumin, a relatively new crop in the region, was seen as a promising alternative to traditional crops like wheat and cotton due to market challenges in previous years.

Farmers like Firas al-Sawah from Tal Arqam and Hassan al-Banna from Green Khirbet have expressed distress over the state of their cumin fields this season. Al-Sawah, who planted 60 dunams of cumin, noted that over 60% of his crop has been damaged by wilt disease, resulting in a loss exceeding $3,000. Similarly, al-Banna expanded his cumin cultivation to 120 dunams but faced over 90% damage due to fungal diseases, amounting to losses of over $5,000.

The challenging situation is further exacerbated by a sharp drop in cumin prices, which have decreased fourfold compared to the previous year, making it even more difficult for farmers to recoup their losses. Sultan Mahmoud, another farmer from al-Duwaira, saw around 75% of his 40 dunams of cumin affected by diseases, leading to losses of around $2,600.

Omar Hamoud, the head of the agriculture office in the local council, reported that more than 65% of the approximately 60,000 dunams of cumin fields in the area have been damaged this year. Climate change and heavy rainfall have played a significant role in the crop devastation, with diseases like wilt and blight causing widespread harm to the plants.

As the primary source of income for many residents in Ras al-Ain and surrounding regions, the impact of these crop losses is deeply felt. The local council, in coordination with the Agriculture Directorate, is working to provide guidance to farmers and address the challenges faced in cumin cultivation this season.

Rachel Adams

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