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Delhi Schools Receive Bomb Threats via Hoax Emails



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Several schools in the DelhiNCR region were disrupted today as nearly 100 institutions received bomb threats through hoax emails. The Delhi Police‘s Special Cell has swiftly initiated search operations following the alerts, delving into potential links to the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency of Pakistan and China. The Directorate of Education in Delhi has released an advisory for schools, urging immediate reporting to the authorities in case of any concerning activities. The situation has sparked concerns over national security with the bomb disposal squad and fire services stepping up readiness.

Hundreds of students were evacuated from their schools as precautionary measures were implemented in response to the email threats. The bomb disposal units and canine teams were deployed to investigate the credibility of the warnings. Schools took the necessary steps to ensure the safety of all individuals on the premises, including sending students back home for the day. Despite the disruptive nature of the threats, authorities have reassured the public that no concrete evidence of danger has been found so far.

The Special Cell of the Delhi Police has lodged a First Information Report (FIR) against unidentified individuals under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code as part of the intensive investigation. The Counter Intelligence Team within the Special Cell is meticulously tracing the source of the emails, which reportedly have connections to a Russian domain. Simultaneously, the potential involvement of external entities like the ISI and China is being probed to uncover any larger scale conspiracy behind the alarming threats.

Delhi’s Fire Services Chief Atul Garg confirmed the receipt of multiple distress calls pertaining to the bomb threats, emphasizing the rigorous response by the authorities. The emails, originating from the email ID, have raised concerns of cyber threats entangled with geopolitical implications. As the situation unfolds, the Delhi Police and intelligence units are on high alert to prevent any untoward incidents and protect the citizens.

Rachel Adams

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