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Earthquake Triggers Volcano Eruption in Russia



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A powerful 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck off the northeastern coast of Russia, leading to a dramatic eruption of the Shiveluch volcano.

This earthquake occurred about 63 miles east of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, which is a coastal city in Russia’s Kamchatka region. Reports indicate that ash is being expelled from the volcano at an alarming height of up to 5 miles above sea level.

The Russian state media, TASS, shared that the volcano also released a significant lava flow, although thankfully, there are currently no reports of injuries.

The US Geological Survey noted that the earthquake’s epicenter was located roughly 55 miles from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, with a depth of around 30 miles beneath the surface.

Although the quake didn’t cause major destruction, officials are inspecting various buildings, particularly public facilities, for any potential damage.

Furthermore, the Russian Emergencies Ministry reported that no tsunami warnings were issued. However, the US Tsunami Warning System initially cautioned that hazardous tsunami waves could occur within 186 miles of the quake’s epicenter.

Rachel Adams

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