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England’s Lauren Bell Remodels Bowling Action for Success in New Zealand ODI Series



England's Lauren Bell Remodels Bowling Action For Success In New Zealand Odi Series
England's Lauren Bell Remodels Bowling Action For Success In New Zealand Odi Series

England‘s rising cricket star, Lauren Bell, showcased her revamped bowling prowess in a remarkable fashion during the recent ODI series against New Zealand, securing her maiden international five-wicket haul and playing a crucial role in England’s clean sweep victory.

Bell, who returned from the World Cup with a mandate to refine her bowling action, expressed the challenges she faced in adapting to the changes on the international stage but emphasized the long-term benefits it would yield for her career.

Heather Knight, the England captain, commended Bell’s resilience and growth, highlighting the pivotal role played by the youngster in the series against the White Ferns.

The transformations in Bell’s action have not only enhanced her pace and bounce but have also granted her the ability to swing the ball in both directions, a skill that was evident during the series against Pakistan and New Zealand.

While Bell’s recent success primarily stemmed from a top-of-the-stumps approach, her efforts were supported by her teammates and England’s coaching staff, especially the fast bowling coach who devoted time and effort to refine Bell’s technique.

Bell, only 23, reflected on the mental aspects of her game, acknowledging the necessity of focus and concentration, particularly in high-pressure game situations, a facet she has been diligently working on in recent months to enhance her consistency.

The young seamer, who made her debut in the 2022 Test against South Africa at Taunton, has established herself as a vital component of England’s seam attack, underscoring the significance of embracing challenges and setbacks as learning experiences for future growth.

Looking ahead, England prepares for a five-match T20 series against New Zealand, with the first encounter scheduled in Southampton, where Bell and her compatriots aim to continue their winning momentum and further solidify their dominance in the cricketing arena.

Rachel Adams

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