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eThekwini Municipality Cracks Down on Non-Compliant Shops in Amanzimtoti and Isipingo



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eThekwini Municipality’s environmental health practitioners recently conducted inspections in Amanzimtoti and Isipingo, fining shops for selling expired food and engaging in illegal trading activities. According to Jabu Xaba, the acting food safety manager in the south region, over 20 wholesale shops were scrutinized for compliance.

The inspections aimed to address various issues such as proper labelling methods, correct food storage practices, and the segregation of food and non-food items on shelves. Shop owners were educated on the importance of maintaining food safety standards to protect consumers.

One notable finding was the improper display of food items, with some shops leaving products outside in direct sunlight. Xaba emphasized the risks associated with this practice and stressed the need to keep all food items stored inside to preserve their quality and safety.

An ongoing challenge identified by the municipality is the lack of necessary compliance certificates in many shops. The Certificate of Acceptability (COA) mandated by Regulation R638:2018 is a crucial document to ensure adherence to general hygiene requirements for food premises and food transportation.

In instances where shops lacked the COA, they were given a 14-day grace period to obtain the certificate before further action would be taken. This approach aimed at educating shop owners and facilitating compliance with regulations to enhance overall food safety standards.

By granting shop owners opportunities to rectify their non-compliance, the municipality sought to foster a culture of adherence to regulations and promote the delivery of safe food products to consumers. The inspections in Isipingo formed part of a broader strategy to uplift food safety standards citywide.

Rachel Adams

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