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Exploring the Possibility of a Sino-American Nuclear Conflict



Sino American Nuclear Conflict

Recent discussions on the potential for a nuclear conflict between China and the United States have raised serious concerns among experts. A think-tank based in Washington, the Centre for a New American Security (CNAS), organized a tabletop exercise to explore how such a conflict could arise.

The event was led by researchers Andrew Metrick, Philip Sheers, and Stacie Pettyjohn, who invited various experts to participate in the simulation. The aim was to better understand the dynamics that could lead to a nuclear war between the two powerful nations.

Participants engaged in rigorous discussions and analyzed the scenarios that could escalate tensions into a military confrontation. The exercise revealed numerous challenges and risks associated with nuclear warfare.

The outcomes of the tabletop exercise were troubling, highlighting the dire implications of miscalculated actions and decisions in international relations.

Rachel Adams

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