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Far-right Gains Shake Up European Parliament in 2024 Elections



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In the recent European Union parliamentary elections of 2024, the far-right made significant gains across the 27 member states, marking a pivotal moment for the political landscape in Europe. The European People’s Party, led by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, managed to retain its position as the strongest group in the European Parliament amidst the growing presence of far-right parties.

Despite the EPP’s success, the rise of far-right ideologies is expected to bring about substantial policy shifts within the European Union. Observers anticipate a less environmentally friendly and more fragmented parliament that is increasingly unwelcoming towards migrants. This shift in dynamics could pose a challenge for von der Leyen as she strives for a second term as European Commission president.

The outcomes of the EU elections unveiled key winners and losers, reflecting a notable political transformation compared to previous polls. Analysts attribute this shift to various factors such as the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, as well as the prevailing economic crisis in the bloc, creating an atmosphere of heightened anxiety among voters seeking security.

Vessela Tcherneva, the deputy director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, highlighted that the far-right’s promise of security amid these uncertainties resonated with voters. However, Tcherneva emphasized that EU elections also serve as referendums on national leaders, adding another layer of complexity to the electoral outcomes.

While the far-right parties saw overall gains, divisions within their ranks emerged following a controversy within the Identity and Democracy (ID) group that led to its disbandment in May. Olaf Bohnke, the Berlin director of the Alliance of Democracies Foundation, noted the lack of cohesive collaboration among far-right parties, which could potentially impede EU policies related to climate change, migration, and foreign affairs.

As the election results continue to unfold, France witnessed a notable surge for the hard-right National Rally (RN), prompting President Macron to announce new parliamentary elections. Similarly, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) made advancements in Germany, indicating a broader trend of far-right gains across the EU.

Rachel Adams

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