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Father-Son Connection Leads Robert MacIntyre to Victory at RBC Canadian Open



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In a heartwarming display of family support and expertise, Robert MacIntyre clinched his first PGA Tour victory at the RBC Canadian Open with his father, Dougie MacIntyre, by his side as the caddie. The 27-year-old Scottish golfer’s win was not just a personal triumph but a tale of the strong bond between father and son.

MacIntyre, originally from Oban, Scotland, where his father works at Glencruitten Golf Club, reached out to Dougie as a last-minute replacement caddie after parting ways with his former bagman post-Charles Schwab Challenge. What followed from this decision was an extraordinary journey to victory at the prestigious Canadian Open held at Hamilton Golf & Country Club.

The victory at the RBC Canadian Open was a crucial moment in MacIntyre’s burgeoning PGA Tour career, placing him securely on the path to the FedExCup Playoffs and opening doors to this season’s remaining Signature Events following his stellar performance in Ancaster, Ontario.

Robert MacIntyre’s resilient play throughout the tournament, including a final-round 68 to finish at 16-under 264, showcased his determination and skill on the course. His victory not only secured his status on the PGA Tour through 2026 but also marked a significant achievement in his career.

Dougie MacIntyre’s role as his son’s caddie was more than just a temporary arrangement. Despite plans to bring on a full-time caddie for the upcoming Memorial Tournament, the father-son duo shared a unique moment of success at the RBC Canadian Open, reminiscent of Jack Slocum caddying for Heath Slocum during the 2005 Southern Farm Bureau Classic.

The tournament victory not only brought glory to the MacIntyre family but also highlighted Robert’s upbringing in Oban under the loving care of his parents, Dougie and Carol. Growing up in a foster family with siblings from different backgrounds instilled in MacIntyre a sense of gratitude and perseverance that resonated throughout his golfing journey.

As the victory unfolded at Hamilton Golf & Country Club, the emotional embrace between Robert and Dougie MacIntyre on the 18th green captured the essence of their shared moment of triumph, echoing the sentiments of pride and love that began in their hometown of Oban.

With the sweet taste of victory still lingering, the MacIntyres, both father and son, will treasure this unforgettable chapter in their lives as they look ahead to new opportunities and challenges on the PGA Tour circuit and beyond.

Rachel Adams

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