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Fiorentina Coach Italiano Prepares Team for Conference League Final Rematch



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As Fiorentina gears up for a thrilling rematch in the Conference League Final, coach Vincenzo Italiano is instilling determination in his players to correct past mistakes and secure a victory. Italiano, alongside the Fiorentina squad, gathered for the UEFA media day at Viola Park ahead of their upcoming clash with Olympiacos in Athens.

This season marks Fiorentina’s second consecutive appearance in the Conference League Final, following last year’s loss to West Ham. Italiano stressed the importance of focusing on the present, particularly their upcoming match against Cagliari, as they aim to secure points in Serie A.

Italiano remained tight-lipped about his potential departure from Fiorentina after the season, opting to keep the focus on the team’s current objectives. He emphasized the significance of their unexpected journey to the finals and expressed pride in their achievements.

The coach highlighted the need for the team to minimize errors in the upcoming final, referencing their previous loss to West Ham where a couple of mistakes cost them the trophy. Italiano emphasized the importance of precision and a flawless performance against a resilient Olympiacos side.

Italiano reminisced about the previous final against West Ham, noting that Fiorentina did not perform poorly but were undone by critical errors. He urged his players to approach the rematch with confidence and composure, aiming to dominate possession and avoid costly mistakes.

Fiorentina’s quest for a European placement in Serie A adds pressure to their upcoming match against Cagliari, where they aim to secure a vital victory. Captain Cristiano Biraghi’s minor training incident raised concerns, but Italiano reassured that the squad is in good shape for the challenges ahead.

The team has been working on improving their penalty shootout proficiency, a facet where they have struggled this season. Italiano emphasized the importance of sharpening their skills for potential crucial moments in the final match.

Rachel Adams

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