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Folk Musician’s Journey into the World of Brass Bands: A Celebration of Community and History



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Renowned folk musician Martin Green embarked on a captivating exploration into the realm of brass bands, inspired by a chance encounter outside the National Museum Scotland in Midlothian.

Green, known for his work with Edinburgh folk group The Unthanks, discovered a newfound fascination with the tradition of brass bands and their deep-rooted connection to community and history.

His journey, spanning three years, led him to delve into the multigenerational, inclusive, and politically charged world of brass band music, drawing parallels with his own folk music background.

In 2021, amidst the pandemic, Green undertook extensive research, speaking to brass players, conductors, and miners, unearthing poignant stories of camaraderie, struggle, and resilience within the brass band culture.

His discoveries culminated in a documentary series for BBC Radio 4, shedding light on the profound impact of brass bands on communities and individuals, from the mine pits to national championships at the Royal Albert Hall.

Green’s creative journey further led him to develop a fictional narrative centered around a character named Keli, inspired by the poignant experiences shared by interviewees.

The narrative, brought to life in an audio drama, portrays Keli as a teenage brass-playing prodigy navigating themes of identity, camaraderie, and heritage in a changing world.

Accompanying the narrative is the album ‘Split the Air,’ featuring bespoke brass band compositions recorded in Manchester, capturing the essence and spirit of the brass band tradition.

Green’s live show, touring across Scotland, England, and Wales, immerses audiences in the vibrant world of brass bands, interweaving personal anecdotes with mesmerizing brass performances.

The concert not only celebrates the musicians and communities behind brass bands but also serves as a poignant tribute marking 40 years since the historic mining strike, emphasizing the enduring significance of this cultural tradition.

Through ‘Split the Air,’ Green has not only crafted a musical ode to brass bands but also sparked meaningful conversations and connections, bridging geographical and generational divides through shared stories and experiences.

Rachel Adams

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