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Food Poisoning Tragedy Strikes Shaka iLembe Production Crew, Causing Upset Ahead of Season 2 Premiere



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Tragedy has struck the production crew of the hit South African series, Shaka iLembe, with two deaths reportedly linked to food poisoning during the filming of the show’s upcoming second season.

Shaka iLembe, which delves into the historical narrative of King Shaka of the Zulu Kingdom, features a star-studded cast including Nomzamo Mbatha as Queen Nandi KaBhebhe, Senzo Radebe as King Senzangakhona kaJama, and Lemohang Tsipa as Shaka Kasenzangakhona.

According to insider reports shared by ZiMoja, the two tragic incidents, including the passing of an assistant make-up artist, occurred three weeks ago, causing shock among the cast and crew.

The source revealed, «Everyone is panicking, especially the big names that made the show a success. It’s bad; everyone hopes that the show is not highly affected.»

Mzansi Magic’s Portia Hlongwa commented on the assistant make-up artist’s death, highlighting that she was already unwell before arriving on set. However, the family of the deceased seeks answers regarding the circumstances of her demise.

Shaka iLembe, which has been renewed for a third season, is facing additional challenges as this unfortunate incident adds to the recent woes surrounding the show’s production.

Shaka iLembe co-creator Teboho Mahlatsi’s untimely passing last year further adds to the somber note, with Mahlatsi having worked on several acclaimed productions such as Yizo Yizo and contributing significantly to the South African entertainment industry.

Rachel Adams

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