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Former Home Secretary Issues Public Apology After Winning Seat in 2024 General Election



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Former Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, has issued a public apology to the British people for the Conservative Party‘s performance over the last 14 years, following her victory in the 2024 General Election.

After securing a seat in the House of Commons in the newly-created Waterlooville constituency in Hampshire, Ms. Braverman expressed remorse for the party’s failure to keep its promises and for taking voters for granted.

During her acceptance speech, Ms. Braverman acknowledged the voters’ dissatisfaction with the party’s conduct over the years and admitted to not fulfilling the commitments made to the electorate.

The former Home Secretary’s victory came after a tumultuous period in her political career, which included being sacked by No 10 in late 2023 for her criticism of the Metropolitan Police‘s handling of protests.

Rachel Adams

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