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Former NSW Liberal Treasurer Matt Kean Appointed Chair of Climate Change Authority by Albanese Government



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The Albanese government has made a surprising cross-party move by appointing former New South Wales Liberal Treasurer, Matt Kean, as the new chair of the Climate Change Authority. This decision follows Kean’s recent resignation from state politics, where he had been a vocal advocate for climate action. The announcement was made by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in a joint press conference with federal climate change minister, Chris Bowen.

Bowen emphasized the importance of non-partisanship in addressing climate change, stating that «carbon dioxide doesn’t recognize political parties.» Kean, in his acceptance speech, highlighted the need for evidence-based policies and the significant role the Climate Change Authority plays in providing independent advice to the government.

As a former NSW Treasurer, Energy, and Environment Minister, Kean brings a wealth of experience to the role, having spearheaded ambitious climate policies in the state. His appointment is seen as a strategic move by the Albanese government to bolster its renewable energy agenda and counter criticism from the federal opposition.

During the press conference, Kean reiterated his stance against nuclear energy, citing expert advice that renewables backed by firming and storage solutions are the most cost-effective way to transition to cleaner energy sources. He also emphasized the need for bipartisan support in the shift away from fossil fuels.

Albanese praised Kean’s track record in public office, lauding his commitment to clean energy and climate action. The appointment of Kean as the new chair of the Climate Change Authority signals a significant shift in federal energy policy discussions, with a focus on renewables and emissions reduction targets.

Rachel Adams

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