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Governor Uba Sani Urges Devotion and Peace, Appreciates Citizens’ Sacrifices



Governor Uba Sani Urges Devotion And Peace, Appreciates Citizens' Sacrifices

Governor Uba Sani has urged citizens to embrace devotion, peace, and compassion in his Sallah message on Sunday.

He also acknowledged the sacrifices made by his administration to develop the state, saying they were necessary and worth the while.

He noted that despite multiple challenges, his administration’s efforts have yielded significant strides in education, health, housing, roads infrastructure, and poverty reduction. He explained that his engagement with stakeholders has also reduced tension in troubled communities and promoted unity across religious and ethnic divides.

The governor also reminded citizens of their role in ensuring sustainable peace and harmony in their neighborhoods, communities, and the state at large.

He expressed confidence in the State’s journey for a new era of unity, progress, and development.

Governor Sani, while commending the citizens for their patience and cooperation, also urged the people of the State to pray for peace and progress of the nation.

Rachel Adams

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