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Governor of West Bengal Responds to Allegations of Misconduct



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Following allegations of misconduct leveled against him by a contractual employee at the Raj Bhavan, West Bengal Governor C.V. Ananda Bose issued a strong response on Friday.

Addressing the accusations, the Governor expressed his determination to continue his efforts to combat corruption and violence, dismissing the claims as ‘absurd drama’ orchestrated by certain political forces.

In a recorded statement, Governor Bose warned of a potential ‘sinister plot’ being devised at the Raj Bhavan, suggesting that more allegations may be forthcoming.

Referring to himself as the ‘captain of the storm’, Bose mocked the accusations and stated that he is prepared to face any challenges thrown his way.

The Trinamool Congress denied any involvement in the allegations and called for an impartial investigation to uncover the truth.

Exploring the sensitive nature of the allegations, the ruling party emphasized the need for transparency and accountability in the process.

Senior TMC leader Shashi Panja questioned the immunity clauses protecting governors and highlighted the importance of upholding the rule of law.

She raised concerns over the restrictions imposed by Governor Bose, barring certain individuals from entering the Raj Bhavan.

The unfolding situation has drawn attention to the delicate balance between political influence and institutional integrity, prompting calls for a thorough examination of the claims.

Rachel Adams

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