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Gumbo Girl Marilyn Kithuka Showcases Signature Dish ‘The Pot’ on Studio 3



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In a sizzling showcase of her culinary prowess, Gumbo Girl Marilyn Kithuka dazzled viewers on Studio 3 with her signature dish ‘The Pot‘ – a tantalizing blend of Cajun spices and hearty ingredients.

The dish featured Cajun spicy turkey necks, corn cobettes, sausage, and potatoes, creating a flavorful medley that left the audience craving for more.

Known for her innovative twist on traditional Southern cuisine, Marilyn Kithuka has quickly risen to culinary stardom with her unique creations that combine bold flavors and comforting textures.

Studio 3, the popular television program known for highlighting local talents, provided the perfect platform for Gumbo Girl to showcase her culinary masterpiece to a wider audience.

Rachel Adams

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