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Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow Shines in State of Origin Opener With Stellar Defensive Performance



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Queensland flyer Hamiso Tabuai-Fidow showcased his defensive prowess with a standout performance in the 2024 State of Origin series opener, earning praise for his exceptional on-field contributions.

Starting the game in an unfamiliar position at left centre, the player known as ‘The Hammer’ proved his versatility, having previously excelled as a fullback for his club side.

Under the mentorship of former great Billy Slater, Tabuai-Fidow swiftly demonstrated why he has become a key player for the Maroons in recent series.

In the 18th minute, Tabuai-Fidow seized the opportunity during a Queensland break, capitalizing on a swift play down the left edge orchestrated by teammate Selwyn Cobbo and ensuring a try following a pass from Murray Taulagi.

Just moments later, the dynamic duo of Cobbo and Taulagi struck again, setting up Tabuai-Fidow for his second try of the night as the Cowboys winger showcased his playmaking abilities.

One of the defining moments of the match came when Tabuai-Fidow demonstrated his incredible defensive capabilities by holding up Spencer Leniu over the try line, denying the Blues a potential scoring opportunity.

By halftime, Tabuai-Fidow had already notched two tries, seven runs for 107 metres, two tackle breaks, and a line break, standing out alongside Taulagi and Patrick Carrigan for his impressive contribution to the team.

Rachel Adams

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